Atma Kriya Yoga Course with Swami Vishwasharadaananda

Moon Yogastudio Klockarvägen 1, Huddinge, Sweden

In this world, as well as on the spiritual path, people are rarely taught to know themselves. Self-knowledge does not mean understanding yourself at the level of body or mind, but rather knowing yourself as the true essence - the Atma (soul). Atma Kriya Yoga is the path to self-realization and it opens the door […]


Atma Kriya Yoga Course with Swami Vishwasharadaananda

Moon Yogastudio Klockarvägen 1, Huddinge, Sweden

In this world, as well as on the spiritual path, people are rarely taught to know themselves. Self-knowledge does not mean understanding yourself at the level of body or mind, but rather knowing yourself as the true essence - the Atma (soul). Atma Kriya Yoga is the path to self-realization and it opens the door […]
