Living the love of God

Bhakti Marga is the path of devotion.

A journey from the mind to the heart under the guidance of a living Master.


Paramahamsa Sri Swami Vishwananda is an enlightened, God-realised Master. His mission on Earth is to ‘open the hearts of mankind’. He is here to remind us all of the love of God and to show us how to experience and enjoy a uniquely personal, loving relationship with God.

As a God-realised Master and satguru, the innate wisdom of life and living that Paramahamsa Vishwananda provides is the most profound of all. He didn’t learn it; He was born with it.


No matter where you are, you can have a personal encounter with Paramahamsa Vishwananda, and experience unconditional Love and blessing with His darshan.


As you have found your way here, you’re probably looking for something more in life. Something more meaningful. Something that can truly sustain you and help you rise above life’s challenges.

To achieve that, Bhakti Marga offers a unique and holistic four-armed approach deeply rooted in time-honoured spiritual traditions. Each arm offers different practices to enjoy loving communion with God. Living in elevated state is not only for yogis or saints anymore! It is a real possibility in this lifetime for all of us.


Yoga & Meditation
Devotional arts